Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru | National Assembly for Wales

Y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg | Children, Young People and Education Committee

Blaenoriaethau ar gyfer y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg | Priorities for the Children, Young People and Education Committee



Ymateb gan : Undeb Cenedlaethol yr Athrawon Cymru

Response from : National Union of Teachers (NUT) Cymru



Question 1 – Within the remit set out above: what do you consider to be the priorities or issues that the Children, Young People and Education Committee should consider during the Fifth Assembly?

·         The future of the supply sector

·         The delivery of the new curriculum

·         Workload concerns (included in that tackling stress related illnesses; class sizes and the bureaucracy of the teaching profession)

·         Continued Professional Development

·         The potential devolution of teachers pay and conditions

·         The future of consortia (including their performance; the support they offer; value for money and what role, if any, they should play in future).

·         Funding

·         Assessment / Testing – Particularly in relation to children’s mental health concerns.

Question 2 – From the list of priorities or issues you have identified, what do you consider to be the key areas that should be considered during the next 12 months (please identify up to three areas or issues)?  Please outline why these should be considered as key priorities.

Workload:  All other policy delivery is contingent on this priority being addressed.  It impacts on the sustainability of the role of a teacher, sickness levels, financial impact on schools, the chance to effectively reform the curriculum, professional development, more support than challenge, lack of CPD in many curriculum areas, too much emphasis on assessment / testing and data analysis and rather than concentrating time on teaching and learning.


Curriculum Reform:  The pace of change is dramatic.  Getting this reform right is crucial to the long-term success of Welsh pupils.


Funding:  This continues to be the biggest issue in Welsh education.  It is particularly the case when pledges between the Lib Dems and Labour need to both be met with limited budgets at a time of major policy reforms.